Trusted Probate And Estate Planning Solutions

Ford + Bergner Celebrates 21 Years!

On June 22, 2020, Ford + Bergner LLP celebrated its 21st anniversary as a law firm.

Originally founded in 1999, F+B founder Don Ford started the firm at the age of only 27.  At the time, he and his law partner embarked on a very modest law practice that was dedicated solely to representing clients in estates, trusts, and guardianships.  Within a year, the firm had succeeded enough that we hired our first associate attorney.  Over the next 21 years, F+B has had the pleasure of providing services to more than 3,500 clients in over 80 counties across the State of Texas.

Today, Ford + Bergner maintains offices in Houston, Dallas, and Austin.  The firm is a boutique law firm representing clients across Texas in complex estate, trust, and guardianship cases, including litigation of complex estates and trusts.  With 10 lawyers and over 20 total employees, F+B is the largest boutique firm in our industry in the State of Texas.

Ford + Bergner works daily to provide the highest level of service to our clients.  If you or a family member needs help with an estate, trust, or guardianship issue, please do not hesitate to contact us!