Ensure That Your Will Will Work As You Intend It To
Wills are well-known but not always well-managed. Almost everyone in our society knows that a will tells how a deceased person’s assets should be distributed. However, not everyone realizes what a tremendous difference it makes to have a will and how important it is to keep one up to date. A death without a will is considered to be intestate and will result in the passing on of assets according to state laws, rather than according to the expressed wishes of the deceased.
Typically, the distribution of assets as directed by a will involves taking an estate through probate. Many people now try to keep most or all assets out of probate with the addition of trusts and other sophisticated estate planning strategies. However, even when nearly all assets are in trusts, a thoughtful estate plan should include a will to account for assets not subject to a trust. We can help you write a variety of wills, including:
- Blinked wills
- Living wills
- Simple wills
Ford + Bergner LLP, from offices in Houston, Dallas and Austin, assists Texans with the creation, updating and tax planning of wills. A will is a solid foundation for any estate plan.
Things To Know About Wills
Who should have a will? Any adult who wishes to have a say in the passing on of material goods after death. A young adult starting out, a married couple raising young children, a middle-aged couple living as empty nesters and an elderly person in need of assistance for daily matters all bring unique vantage points to the task of drafting or revising a will.
In addition to instructions about the distribution of assets after death and the naming of a guardian for surviving minor children, people often want to see their values, such as religious faith or altruism, reflected in their last wills and testaments. Our experienced attorneys focus on helping clients give shape to their legacies through the creation of wills.
Discuss Your Goals With A Respectful Legal Professional
Our entire careers are focused on helping clients meet legal challenges. We are here to help you design and create your estate plan according to your wishes. To schedule a consultation, call 713-352-0937 or send an email inquiry.